Dr. S.N.P. Sinha
- डा. एस. एन. पी. सिन्हा
- पूर्ण नाम- डा. शिव नन्दन प्रसाद सिन्हा
- जन्म- 12-7-1936 ई.
- जन्मस्थान- शाहपुर-गेरुआरी, बख्तियारपुर, जिला पटना।
- पिता- श्री कालीचरण प्रसाद सिन्हा
- माता- श्रीमती सुन्दरी देवी।
प्रकाशित रचनाएँ
- शंखध्वनि, 2017 ई.
- असतो मा सद्गमय, 2019 ई.
गाँव में माध्यमिक शिक्षा पाकर तत्कालीन प्रिंस ऑफ़ वेल्स मेडिकल कालेज, पटना (वर्तमान- पटना मेडिकाल कालेज) से एम. बी. बी. एस. (1959 ई.) एम.डी. (1961 ई.) एवं पी-एच. डी. (1966 ई.) की उपाधि प्राप्त की।
12-10-1961 ई. से ही पटना मेडिकल कालेज में फ़ार्माकोलौजी एवं थिरेपेटिक विभाग में विभिन्न पदों पर अध्यापन करते हुए 1995 ई. में अवकाश ग्रहण कर जनवरी, 1995 ई. से 1998 ई. तक पटना विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति पद को सुशोभित किया।
डा. सिन्हा चिकित्सा-विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में विभिन्न कार्यशालाओं एवं सेमिनारों में देश-विदेश में भाग लेने के साथ-साथ शिक्षा, संस्कृति, योग, धर्म आदि विविध विषयों पर अनेक कार्यक्रमों में सहभागिता निभाते रहे हैं।
इन्हें कौमुदी महोत्सव पाटलिपुत्र, विश्व बुद्ध परिषद्, पटना, रोटरी क्लब, पटना, समन्वय सेवा आश्रम, पटना अनेक संस्थाओं ने सम्मानित कर स्वयं को गौरवान्वित किया है।
इन्हें इंडियन मेडिकल एशोसिएशन की ओर से इन्हें लाइफ़ टाइम एचीवमेंट एवार्ड मिला है।
डा. सिन्हा महावीर कैंसर संस्थान, महावीर आरोग्य संस्थान, ज्ञान निकेतन आदि संस्थाओं के सम्मानित सदस्य के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित होकर नियमित रूप से सारस्वत-साधना में तल्लीन रहे हैं।
Research Publications (original & Review
Experimental and Therapeutic evaluation of Drugs and chemicals) in different Journals in India and Abroad.
Original Experimental work on “Beta Blookers Drugs” in Parkinsonism (published in Japanese Journal of pharmacology 1967-68) and was associated with International Parkinson foundation centre, (new York, U.S.A.) engaged in promoting research of Drugs and Chemicals in Parkinson’s disorders.
Attended XXXI International congress of Physiological Sciences at New Delhi October 20-26, 1974 and took active part in scientific deliberations.
Participated in W.H.O. consultative meeting South East Asia on National Health, Information Development System 18-22 December, 1978 as nominee of Govt of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Member of the Governing Body of Central Council for Re-search in Homeopathy, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India 1978-79 as expert in “Drugs Development”.
Attended and participated in the scientific deliberations of South-East Asian Medical Conference at Thailand, BangkokVisited Singapore and updated scientific Research efforts there in 1979 and visited teaching Hospitals.
Writing in Media/News magazine about Hazards of Drugs and Chemicals for educating public and mass awareness programme.
Teacher in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutic in various capacities, tutor, associate professor and Prof & Head of the Department, Patna Medical College.
Principal, Patna Medical College (up to.20.01.1995).
Dean Faculty of Medicine, Patna University.
Vice-Chancellor, Patna University (21.01.1995 to 20.01.1998).
Selected to represent India in the workshop organized by UNICEF in-collaboration With International Brain Research Organization in Pakistan (Karachi) at Jinnah Institute of RG Medical Sciences in 1966.
Attended and actively participated in workshop on “Need Based under Graduate Medical Education”.
Inspector, Medical Council of India.
Member, INSTITUE BODY – All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
Indian Medical Association special Award for distinguished achievement of highest order in the field of Education and Research.
Granted Honorary Rank of Colonel in the N.C.C. by Govt. of India., New Delhi.
Scroll of Honour
On the eve of Swam Jayanti Varsh – Pharmacology- Fifty Years after Independence for outstanding contributions to development of Pharmacology in India & Ser-vices to Indian Pharmacological Society. (By Indian Pharmacology Society),
Fourth Vivekananda Memorial Award – presented by NIRMAN – A voluntary organization for outstanding contribution in the field of ‘Education’.
“SANSKTRITIK SHAURABH” Award by Kaumudi Mahotsava Patliputra – A voluntary organization – for out-standing contribution in the field of Education & Medical Science and Culture.
“Scroll of Honour” – (1998) – by the Indian Society of Creative Arts, Patna for able “Administrator and Contribution in the field of ‘Social Welfare’.
‘Seva Chakra Award’ by Acupressure Parishad – An Inter-national Organization – for expansion and development of Acupressure as a Science.
Yoga Maharatan – by Patna Yoga Vidyaya on the eve of Vishwa Yoga and Prakritik Chikitsa conference held in New Delhi, India International Centre, New Delhi.
ECO Revival Award – 1998 – ECO Revival Summit Celebration organized by International Co. Organisation- World Congress on Yoga, Naturopathy and Environment at New Delhi.
American Biographical Institute INC U.S.A. ‘One of the out-standing man of the 20th Century & the 2000 Millennium Medal of Honour.’
Member – Human Rights Association, Bihar.
Governing Body – Mahavir Cancer Institute, Phulwarisharif, Patna & Mahavir Arogry Sansthan, Patna
Member – Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and SIDDHA – Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
“Vishwa Budha Parishad – Budha Vihar” -Patna for outstand-ing contributions towards International peace and Brother-hood. Certificate presented by His Excellency Sri V. C. Pandey, Governor of Bihar, on August 11, 2002.
Certificate of Honour
Certificate of Honour for variable services in to field of Yoga, Naturopathy, Polypathy, Raj Yoga, Acupressure, Ayurved & Meditation by ANNA PURNA Naturopathy & Yoga Centre, Kathmandu, NEPAL on 3rd July, 2002.
Certificate of Honour by “Free thinkers Association”, Patna -Life time achievement Award for Valuable contributions to the society (To commemorate ‘The Senior Citizens Felicita-tion Meet) presented by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Zukeria Mohammad Yocoob, constitutional court of South Africa 1st day of May, 2002.
Certificate of Honour by Rotary Club of Patna west and Free Thinkers Association for valuable contributions to the society on 5th day of October, 2001 presented by H.E. Sri Vinod Chandra Pandey, Governor of Bihar.
Certificate of Honour by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya, Mount Abu, Rajasthan for Valuable contribution and promotion in the field of “Value Based Education” on 9th Oct., 2000.
“Vidya Ratan” by Bal Bharti New Patna Montesari School, Yarpur, Patna on 16th, feb., 2003 presented by Prof. Sidheswar Prasad, Former Governor of Tripura.
Prakritik Ratan Samman 2003 by Prakritik ‘Samanavaya Seva Ashram, Patna for outstanding contribution for peaceful co-existence and protection of Environment on 30th March, 2003 by Hon’ble Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Bihar, Patna.
Life Member of Indian Red Cross Society.
Associated with Mahavir Cancer, Mahavir Arogya Sansthan, Mahavir Vatsalay Aspata, Gyan Niketan School, Mahavir Mandir Micas Samiti and other charitable institutions.
Indian Co-operative oncology honour for outstanding contribution towards the development of Science & Serving Society presented at Zo” ICON Meet, Patna 20th March, 2009.
IMA Bihar Branch honour
LIFE Time Achievement Award, 2003.
LIFE Time Achievement Award for Serving Science of Pharmacology 2009 by IPS.
“Bihar Gamy Patliputra Saddvabana Samman” for outstanding contribution in the field of social service Education including medical Education and Cultural activities by Sanskritik Saddvabana March on 6 Nov, 2011.
The Scouts/Guides organization’s honour for precious contri-bution in the field of Social & Youth Welfare, (Lord Baden Porvell National Award, 2012 – It was presented by former Chief Justice & at present Chairman Bihar Human Rights Commission – Sri S. N. Jha).
Indian Institute of Health Education & Research, Beur Patna presented SANSTHAN SHUBHECHHU SAMMAN for outstanding contribution and well wisher of Institute. It was presented by H.E. Sri D. Y. Patil, Governor of Bihar, on the eve of Silver Jubilee Celebration on 14th September 2014.
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
धर्मायण, अंक संख्या 114, परमहंस विष्णुपुरी विशेषांक