10. बोधगया जगन्नाथ मंदिर- श्री रवि संगम

बोधगया का जगन्नाथ मन्दिर लगभग 1780 ई. के आसपास का बना हुआ है। बुकानन ने 1811-12 ई. में इसे तत्कालीन सेवैत के पिता के द्वारा निर्मित कहा है- ““West from the north end of the convent of the Gosaigns, on the ruins of the old palace of Asoka Dherma, has been erected a large building, constructed lately but at different periods and containing two temples, one of Jagannath the other of Ram, built according to an inscription by Ganga Bai. In the wall of the temple of Jagannath is also built an inscription but it has been taken from the ruins, Jagannath having been built by the present occupant’s father. The building on the whole respectable in size. It has no endowment. The ruin of the palace is very large. It has had a ditch, but no cavity is to be observed within.” (Journal Of Francis Buchanan Kept During The Survey Of Patna And Gaya, Patna, 1925, p. 53.
- रवि संगम, “बोधगया जगन्नाथ मंदिर”, धर्मायण, अंक 108, आषाढ़, 2078 वि.सं., जून-जुलाई, 2021 ई., महावीर मन्दिर, पटना, पृ. 56-62.
- Ravi Sangam, “Bodh Gaya Jagannath Temple”, (A paper in Hindi language), Dharmayan, Issue 108, Ashadh, 2078 Vs., June-July, 2021 AD, Mahavir Mandir, Patna, p. 56-62.
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
धर्मायण, अंक संख्या 114, परमहंस विष्णुपुरी विशेषांक