Shakti-interpretation volume of “Dharmayan” magazine by Mahavir Temple launched.

Digital publishing of “Dharmayan” magazine by Mahavir Temple
Of the special edition for Vaisakh, on the ‘Navami’ we celebrate the coming of Janaki. This edition is dedicated to ‘Shakti’ and mother Janaki. As a special edition this has been dedicated to Mother Sita.
Considering the second wave of COVID-19 this edition is published in digital format. Discussing the issues, editor Mr. Bhavnath Jha stated that as soon as situations normalize Mahavir Mandir would be publishing the magazine in its usual hard copy format.
As of now the magazine can be read at free of cost and downloaded for free. The distribution is also allowed for the magazine. Different authors from multiple states have contributed to this special edition. This makes the issue national in nature.
Central Theme of this issue
The central theme of this issue is the interpretation of feminine deity which is prevalent in Indian traditions from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
In this issue Mr. Mahesh Prasad, Mr. Rajiv Nandan Mishra ‘Nanhe’ and other renowned authors have contributed. Along with them Acharya Sitaram Chaturvedi’s ‘Adbhut Ramayana’ has also been discussed.
On the issue of travel and tourism Mr Ravi Sangam has written on Janakpur travels.
Mr. Ravi Ojha has contributed an article on 18th century ‘Sundareshvarjaye’ of poet Venkata, emphasizing how north and south India conglomerate in terms of the story of Shree Ram and Janaki. Author from Bangaluru Mr. Jagannath Karanj has contributed on Virashaiva tradition and the structure of Shiva and Shakti.
Article Index
- तन्त्रोपनिषदों में शक्ति की अवधारणा– सम्पादकीय आलेख
- अद्भुत रामायण में मातृशक्ति सीताजी का अद्भुत स्वरुप– श्री महेश प्रसाद पाठक
- जनकभूमि की परिक्रमा- रवि संगम
- वॆङ्कट कवि की कृति ‘सुन्दरेश्वरजाये– श्री रवि ओझा
- शिव में समाविष्ट शक्ति- श्री जगन्नाथ करंजे
- भगवती-तत्त्व विमर्श–डा. सुदर्शन श्रीनिवास शाण्डिल्य
- मातृशक्ति का सम्पूर्ण रूप देवी सीता में समाहित-श्री राजीव नंदन मिश्र ‘नन्हेंʼ
- दुर्गा-सप्तशती में शक्ति का दार्शनिक स्वरूप–डा. लक्ष्मीकान्त विमल
- श्रीराम का पट्टाभिषेक (उत्तर भारतीय कर्मकाण्ड की दृष्टि से विवेचन) –पं. मार्कण्डेय शारदेय*
- महाशक्ति श्री श्री माँ- महामहोपाध्याय गोपीनाथ कविराज
- शक्तिपूजा : मातृशक्ति का भावात्मक आधार– कुमारी संगीता
- भारतीय साहित्य में शक्ति की अभिव्यंजना– डा० भुवनेश्वर प्रसाद गुरुमैता
- अद्भुत रामायण की रामकथा- आचार्य सीताराम चतुर्वेदी
- श्रीपरशुरामकथामृत- गिरिधरदास
- परशुराम के द्वारा सहस्रार्जुन का वध- लल्लू लाल कृत ‘प्रेम सागरʼ से उद्धृत
- पुस्तक समीक्षा पूर्व-पीठिका, सुलभ अग्निहोत्री- समीक्षक– श्री आनन्द कुमार
- महावीर मन्दिर समाचार, अप्रैल, 2021ई
- जल-सूक्त, ऋग्वेद से
- व्रत-पर्व, वैशाख, 2078 संवत्, 28 अप्रैल-26 मई, 2021ई
- रामावत संगत से जुड़ें
Dr. Sudarshan Shandilya from Patna has written on the philosophical and practical aspects of the goddess traditions. From Delhi Dr. Lakshmikant Vimal has written on the philosophical aspects of Durga Saptashati.
Indian traditions are one and same from north till south.
For the first time Shreerama-pattabhisheka has been published in the previous edition edited by Dr. Mamata Mishra Dash. Elaborating on the same, Pt. Markandey Shardeya has elaborated the rituals in Arya and Dravid traditions. It can be said that Indian traditions are one and same from north till south.
Along with these, three previously published articles have also been included. Articles of Mahamahopadhyaya Gopinath Kaviraj, Kumari Mamta’s article, and Dr. Bhuvaneshwar Prasad Gurumaitaji’s article have been included from previous editions. A Biography of Dr. Gurumaitaji is also available on the Dharmayan’s website.
Akshaya Tritiya also falls in the month of Vaishakh, which happens to be the birth date of Bhagwan Parashurama. On this occasion the current issue of ‘Dharmayan’ an article ‘Parshuarma-kathamrita’ written by Giridhar Das, who was actually Gopalchandra, father of Bharatendu Harishchandra has been edited in this issue. Lallu Lal has written ‘Premsagar’ which is the story of Bhagwan Parshuram.
Along with these the regular features of magazine have been published. Mr. Anand Kumar has written a review of ‘Poorva Peethika’ written by Sulabh Agnihotri. Along with these a list of festivals and important dates of Vaisakh has also been published.
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
महावीर मन्दिर प्रकाशन
धर्मायण, अंक संख्या 114, परमहंस विष्णुपुरी विशेषांक